Dental care

Dental Health and Pregnancy

By December 16, 2021No Comments
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Undoubtedly there is a lot going on in your mind if you are pregnant. A lot of thought has to be put into researching for baby care products and preparing for a life changing experience. Although dental care in pregnancy is equally important, more often so it is the most neglected aspect.

Dental infections begin in the mouth and spread to other parts of the body. This aspect needs to be stressed upon even more during pregnancy as these infections may put you and your baby’s health at risk.

It is recommended that you schedule a dental consultation if you are pregnant or planning soon.


Problems to watch out for in pregnancy

Most common issues faced by pregnant women are gum disease and tooth decay.

Pregnancy causes hormonal changes which causes swelling of the gums and makes them bleed. These are known as ‘pregnancy gingivitis’. In severe cases it may led to an overgrowth of gums known as pregnancy tumors.

Morning sickness causes increased vomiting which increases the acidity in the mouth as it exposes the oral cavity to gastric juices. This may lead to tooth decay.


How to avoid these issues in pregnancy?

  1. Visit a dentist who will guide you about your oral health.
  2. Inform the dentist that you are pregnant. Routine dental care can be done anytime during pregnancy. But elective dental treatment is recommended in the 2nd trimester only. Teeth cleaning is safe in pregnancy.
  3. X-rays are generally avoided, if required they are taken with utmost care.
  4. Brush twice a day using a soft toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss.
  5. Reduce the intake of sugar.


Neglecting dental health during pregnancy will not only have grave consequences on your oral health but may also lead to premature birth and low birth weight infants.

The first thing your baby notices is your smile. Get that healthy smile today by scheduling a visit at Loop Dental.